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Many people associate professional teeth whitening with movie stars and brides - but in fact, it is the most popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry.

Stained or discolored teeth are very common among adults of all ages, and come from a variety of sources, such as:

Red wine
Some medications

Those of us with stained teeth tend to brush more vigorously; this can remove the enamel from your teeth, causing further discoloration and serious dental problems. Others use over-the-counter whitening kits, but they don't have the prescription strength and lasting effects of a professional teeth-whitening procedure.

The key to a long lasting, bright, white smile is to have them whitened by a cosmetic dentist before discoloration becomes too severe. Whether you choose an in-office or at-home procedure, you can be sure to receive solid advice, professional care, and a smile that will knock their socks off!

For a beautiful new smile call West Texas Dental, today.

Contouring & Bonding

Bonding is a quick and easy way to repair minor faults in a tooth – whether from discoloration, cracking, or chipping. Unlike other procedures, all the materials are available in the office – no waiting for molds and custom-fitted devices – and unless the repair is being done on a decayed tooth, no anesthesia is necessary.

The procedure is as follows:

The tooth is cleaned and prepped for bonding.
The proper color resin is chosen to match the tooth exactly.
The resin, a malleable composite material, is applied to the tooth, molded into place, and as it hardens, it is smoothed out and polished to resemble the rest of that tooth as well as neighboring teeth.
You're done! Simply stay away from foods and beverages that can stain the resin for 48 hours, and your bonding will last for years.

See if bonding is right for your dental needs today!


One of the most popular and effective developments in cosmetic dentistry, veneers are thin, custom made casings that cover the front side of your teeth. Veneers are used to correct uneven teeth, worn enamel, discoloration, chipped teeth and irregular spacing, and can last over 20 years. In some cases, veneers can serve a restorative purpose and can protect a damaged tooth from further harm.

What Does the Procedure Involve?
After a thorough examination of your teeth, which may include X-rays and taking impressions of your teeth, your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel from your teeth. Then he or she will create an impression and send it off to a laboratory to create the veneer. While the mold is being created, your dentist may provide you with temporary veneers. Finally, the veneer's size and color are given one last adjustment before they are cemented to your tooth on your second visit.

What Are the Advantages of Veneers?
Veneers can give your teeth a more natural, aesthetically pleasing appearance and are stain resistant and soft on gums. In some cases, veneers can serve a restorative purpose and can protect a damaged tooth from further harm.

Types of Veneers:


Since porcelain veneers are more resistant to stains and chipping, they are generally more expensive. Lumineers are a particularly popular type of porcelain veneers that do not require your teeth to be shaved and can even be placed over crown or bridgework. A custom-made set of Lumineers can be installed in 2-3 visits and is proven to last over 20 years.

Will My Insurance Cover Veneers?
As this procedure is elective and primarily cosmetic, most dental insurers will not cover veneers. Talk to your dentist about the financing options available.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the counsel and expertise of a medical professional. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with your dentist.

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