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Good oral hygiene is critical – especially for children. But, quite often, many parents don’t know when and where to begin when it comes to their children’s dental care.
  • 6 months – 1 year old

    1. Teething Time

    Begin Brushing. As soon as that first tooth breaks through, it’s time to start brushing. Using a baby tooth brush with soft bristles and only water, gently brush the teeth and the gums.

  • 1-2 years old

    2. First Dentist Visit

    The dentist counts your child’s teeth, making sure everything is developing properly.
    Oftentimes, their teeth can be cleaned to remove any plaque or stains – the kids usually enjoy this part!
    The best part of the visit – yummy fluoride paste to make baby teeth strong and resistant to decay. A check-up every six months is recommended in order to prevent cavities and other dental problems.

  • 6-7 years old

    3. Sealant Seals

    To help prevent cavities, the dentist will recommend sealing your child’s 6 year-old molar teeth. Sealants work by filling in the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. This shuts out food particles that could get caught in the teeth, causing cavities. The application is fast and comfortable and can effectively protect teeth for many years.

  • 7 – 11 years old

    4. Say Hello to the Tooth Fairy!

    These are the years of great changes. Every time you look in your child’s mouth, there is another tooth that’s wiggly. In these years, most of your child’s teeth will change from baby teeth to permanent. Your dentist will carefully monitor their development, and may recommend orthodontic treatment at this age.

  • 12 – 13 years old

    5. New Seals and Gums Check Up

    At about 12 years old, 2nd molars come out, and they need to be sealed just like the 6-year old molars were. Periodontal charting is a procedure done to detect any signs of gum disease. Careful measurements of your gums are taken, watching for signs of inflammation, recession, and gum disease. 80% of adults have some form of gum disease, whether it is just gingivitis (bleeding gums) or actual deterioration of gum attachment and accompanying bone loss. Early detection of Periodontal or Gum Disease is critical in treating it.

Most importantly, children and adults should always maintain a regular schedule, visiting their dentist at least twice a year. In between visits, parents should establish and encourage a routine of brushing and flossing at least twice a day. With the proper dental care, you can insure the health of your teeth and gums for a lifetime.

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